This weekend had already been a busy one! I had another lesson with Riley yesterday and she did great! She even managed to stay calm and slow Si down when he trotted while she was walking figure eights and working on her steering. Then I put her back on the lead line and she got to trot a lot longer than her last lesson, which helped her to start getting more confident with her seat and steering while her horse was trotting, which was a great place to end the lesson.

Today I went to McKinney to work with a horse and meet a client so she could bring a horse to my house. Hershey is a Rocky mountain gelding who is going to be a lot of fun working on his trail manners :) Tomorrow I am meeting with a new lesson client, and I am so excited about working with them!

To top it all off, it's a beautiful day! Can't wait for spring :)
Riley saddling up Si for her lesson.

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